Warrane are proud to have completed the refurbishment of the Links Shell Cove, the hidden gem in New South Wales golf.
With a total project cost of $2.7 million, Warrane originally tendered and were awarded the design of the Links in 2018. After 12 months of intensive design concepts and visualisations, the plans were finalised and submitted to Shellharbour city council for approval, opening the formal tender process. As Warrane completed the design, we were able to provide valuable engineering solutions to allow the job to meet the Links budget without compromising any design elements.
Read the full press release here.
“A business that delivers visions.”
3/20a Waine Street, Freshwater, Sydney, NSW 2096.
Praia de Botafogo, 501 – A, 1º andar – Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22250-040
9285 Toyosato, Nozawa Onsen.