In October 2019, Warrane delivered a completely transformed Warren View Hotel to the community of Enmore. Working with the local council on design and implementation, Warrane executed a a new acoustic-friendly beer garden, family-friendly dining space, industrial kitchen and bathrooms along with completely refreshing the bar areas.
Theo and Tanya Damianakis, owners of The Warren View Hotel, said, “We listened and implemented the advice given by Warrane. Our beer garden was always a good space but now it is an amazing area.”
Warrane are proud to annouce that the Warren View Hotel has re-engaged us to undertake phase two of the hotel refurbishments which will include a complete overhaul and extension of the upper level of the hotel.
Joe Stephen, Director of Design at Warrane, said, “We are thrilled to have been re-signed by Theo and Tanya Damianakis for the next stage of refurbishments of the Warren View. We have loved working with Theo and Tanya and are completely aligned to design and deliver exactly to their needs.”
The team at Warrane are currently working through the designs with works anticipated to begin mid-2021.
Warrane pride themselves on working with clients to create spatial experiences, focusing on sustainable and innovative solutions. We approach all projects with the mindset that whatever challenges are presented, we will find solutions.
If you would like more information, please email matt@warrane.co or call 0438 840 843.
“A business that delivers visions.”
3/20a Waine Street, Freshwater, Sydney, NSW 2096.
Praia de Botafogo, 501 – A, 1º andar – Botafogo
Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22250-040
9285 Toyosato, Nozawa Onsen.